The study of secrecy, shadows and careful planning. The study of administration, management and the flow of gold. The study of warfare and combat and the commanding of armies. The study of etiquette, communication and the practices of courtly life. The education focus can only be changed once. The level of the education trait depends on both how well the character's childhood trait matched with the education focus, and the quality of their guardian, if they were assigned one. When the character becomes an adult it will gain an education trait. A chosen lifestyle can also rarely offer a character a selection of 3 nicknames if it doesn't have one already.Ĭharacters must be landed or heirs to gain lifestyle experience and can buy perks even if unlanded.Įducation focuses are available to characters between the age of 6 and 9 and grant the character +1 in the matching skill. A character's focus can be changed once every 5 years. All focuses grant +25 monthly experience towards the character's lifestyle, which can further be improved by the character's education and other factors. Each lifestyle contains 3 focuses, each one granting various bonuses to the character.